The effect of climate change in the future

  The Effect of Climate change in the future

                                                                                       7 PEM Shirley
 Right now various companies are "going green" to help the environment in the future. But have you ever wondered what types of effects climate change will have in the future? You may have thought that climate change was the earth getting a bit warmer and just having a few mild changes. But climate change is irreversible and it will keep getting worse as the decades come.

So what type of effects will climate change have in the future?
1. More droughts and heatwaves
2. Sea levels will rise 1-8 feet by 2100
3. Hurricanes and other dangerous storms are likely to become stronger

1. More droughts and heatwaves 
As of right now, droughts are more common in the southwest areas. But in the future summer temperature is predicted to keep rising everywhere this will result in more droughts and heatwaves. As time goes on the heat will get to a point where the heat gets unbearable and the temperatures will skyrocket to 60 degrees celsius which is the point the human body cannot be outside more than 6 hours or it will lose the ability to cool itself down.

2. Sea levels will rise 1-8 feet by 2100
Melting land ice will and still is causing sea levels to rise. Huge storms will combine with the melting land ice and cause an unbelievable amount of water and the sea levels will rise a massive amount and flooding will become common in the next several decades.

3. Hurricanes and other immense storms are likely to become stronger
Due to climate change, hurricanes and other immense storms will become more frequent and stronger. This will also cause the sea level to rise and floods to become persistent. The persistent storms will cause life-threatening damages to the country's that are already struggling because of storms. This includes South Korea as also.   
