How to prevent climate change

How to prevent climate change

1. Bioplastics - Elsa

    Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc. Bioplastics are generally considered to be more eco-friendly than traditional plastics. Bioplastics, especially biomass-based bioplastics are one of the most promising ways to solve the depletion of fossil fuels and climate change.

    Advantages of Bioplastics are....
1. Less oil is used to produce bioplastics which prevents to pose a great risk to the environment.
2. Bioplastics break down naturally by composting or biodegrading.
3. Many bioplastic polymers are naturally occurring and don’t have the carbon footprint of oil-based plastics.

2. Plogging - Dayoon
  Environmental pollution is getting worse day by day. There are hundreds of garbage patches floating on the ocean and 26000 animals endangered due to loss of habitat. To stop further pollution, an exercise called 'plogging' was started worldwide. Plogging is the activity of jogging and picking up trash along the way. The word 'Plogging' is coined from jogging and a Swedish phrase, plocka upp, which means picking up. It has started in 2016 at Sweden to stop climate change. It's the smartest way to save the earth and your health at the same time. You can practice plogging anywhere at any time.

 Benefits of plogging
- Save wildlife
 There are animals suffering from the trash people threw away. It is the human's role to pick them up and save the wildlife.
- Reduce  social costs
 In 2021, the Korean ministry of environment announced that it takes around 40 billion dollars each year to pick up the garbage around the country. Imagine how much money will be saved if people start plogging.
